Answered prayers

So I have been praying a lot of novenas recently. Just finished one to St Joseph and now I’m in the middle of one to St Jude. And the saints have definitely been letting me know that they are here and listening to my prayers. Yesterday I got the chance to go to daily mass with my mom and right away when I walked in  I noticed a holy card. When I took a closer look, yep, it was a holy card of St Jude. During my novena to St Joseph I found a single yellow flower in front of the statue of Mary as I was leaving mass.

There have also been more concrete signs along the way. Recently I have had several people give very generous donations and I was even able to start on my dental work. I had my eye exam today so that’s another thing taken care of, and I have an appointment with the psychologist on Monday. So my application is almost complete, I just need one more letter of recommendation.

I still have a long way to go on the dental work and right now I need to raise about $9,900. This is 90 people with a donation of $100 each. Please give anything you can, and keep praying for me and sharing this page.


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